New Year, New Face, New StART

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New Year, New Face, New StART

Educating Children, Engaging Families, & Embracing Wonder


Resolutions, Diets. New commitments. Change almost always accompanies the arrival of a new year, and  2024 is no exception for EarlystART! The organization rang in the new year and welcomed a new dynamic CEO, Ms. June McDaniel. 

Peers describe June as strategic as she is compassionate, as funny as she is kind, and as visionary as she is dedicated – making her a perfect fit to lead EarlystART. 

At the core of EarlystART’s longstanding mission is the belief that every child deserves a quality education and nurturing foundation, and June embraces this philosophy wholeheartedly – personally and professionally. 

Growing up in the foster care system, June experienced overwhelming challenges that fuel her commitment in making a difference in the lives of children and families who, like her, may not have access to quality care and essential resources.

“I came from that need, and I would have wanted what we’re providing today, which is love, care, and support.” – June McDaniel via KSHB

June’s journey with EarlystART began in early 2023 as Chief Human Resources Officer.  During her brief tenure, June’s strategic vision and incredible work ethic have already begun to reshape the landscape of St. Mark Center. EarlystART’s Chief Development Officer, Mariah Roady, is one of June’s biggest cheerleaders:

“June breathes optimism and determination. Her innate integrity and commitment to EarlystART’s children, families, and employees is unmatched. Within the last year, she has elevated the organization’s internal processes, recruitment efforts, and company culture. The sky’s the limit for the legacy she will build at EarlystART as its new CEO.” says Mariah.

June is not only a brilliant business woman, she is also contagiously kind. She truly personifies compassion and empathy. Her interactions with children, parents, and staff reflect a leadership style that is rooted in genuine understanding and care – something that helps make EarlystART such a warm and nurturing environment.

“June has a heart and passion for helping others. She works hard to meet people where they are and encourages them to reach for their highest potential.” says Matrika Hornsby, EarlystART’s Early Learning & Inclusion Director.

June McDaniel’s story is not just one of personal triumph, but a promise of positive change for EarlystART and the community we serve. With her at the helm, we are confident that EarlystART will continue to build on its lasting legacy of building bridges, inspiring minds, and impacting futures. Here’s to 2024!


“She has a heart and passion for helping others. She works hard to meet people where they are and encourages them to reach for their highest potential.” – Matrika Hornsby, Early Learning & Inclusion Director

“June breathes optimism and determination. Her innate integrity and commitment to EarlystART’s children, families, and employees is unmatched. Within the last year, she has elevated the organization’s internal processes, recruitment efforts, and company culture. The sky’s the limit for the legacy she will build at EarlystART as its new CEO.” – Mariah Roady, Chief Development Officer