Babies are born curious.
From the time they discover their hands and feet, children put themselves out into the world. They observe, discover, and imitate. They learn by doing.
The Creative Curriculum
At EarlystART, our distinctive approach blends the Creative Curriculum with the Arts, sparking each child’s innate curiosity. We encourage creative expression and foster each child’s social competence, support learning through play, and forge strong home-school connections.
The Creative Curriculum is a project-based approach that addresses four areas of development: social/emotional, physical, cognitive, and language. We work to develop the whole child through teacher-led, small- and large-group activities centered on interest areas such as blocks, dramatic play, toys and games, sand and water, music and movement, cooking, computers, and outdoors.
Our teachers do all of this in our one-of-a-kind arts-infused environment that touches all aspects of learning while also engaging families in the learning process. In turn, our students become enthusiastic, independent, and inquisitive learners as they march to their own beats and do what works for them!
Putting the Art in EarlystART
The EarlystART curriculum is a magical mix of visual, musical, and dramatic arts that come to life in our classrooms, art studios, and venues around the community.
Our dedicated arts educators integrate the arts in meaningful ways: leading students and parents in after-school Stay-and-Play activities; addressing the special needs of students who have experienced trauma through arts-based therapies; welcoming talented Artists in Residence to The Studio, our on-site makerspace; engaging families and community in artistic and cultural experiences on site and around the community that inspire creative thought and an appreciation for the arts.
Visit the Studio